9 Social Networks to Watch

9 Social Networks to Watch

Social Media is constantly evolving and we're not just talking about Facebook & Twitter! Following the recent success of sites such as Foursquare and pinterest, social media website Mashable has identified nine social networking services that could take off next. Path - Online journal used to post photos, travel updates, and keeping in touch with your family. Highlight - This GPS app alerts you when another highlight user is nearby making connection possibilities endless. Sonar - Similar to Highlight, although this app allows you to find like minded people within your vicinity. Banjo - Another location-based social tool, this one works in tandem with your facebook and twitter connections (amongst others) and not only tells you when their nearby but also informs you on local activities. Glancee - A location tool with the ability to share notes with your accompanying friends. Localmind - Similar to foursquare, this app even uses it technology as well as facebook check-ins to provide advice on local attractions. Fancy - Similar to pinterest,...
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Not so happy hour….

Not so happy hour….

When you find out that something's not working with your bar, do you automatically think it's the product or the marketing that is the problem? I'm working on an event that did well last year but needs to do better, and the people I'm working with want to change the days of the event - they think that's the problem....me, I think that the day doesn't really matter too much, if you have enough good marketing & advertising it will bring people in and the event will be successful. So I typically always think that there's nothing wrong with a product, it's the marketing that's needs to be improved. Well, in the case of today's tip, we are going against my usual approach and we're changing the product a little. This week's tip is about changing your happy hour around so it appeals to more customers. Now onto the tip: For all the bars that have successful happy hours from the "regular" happy hours of 4-7...
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Springboks in the Leicester Square

Springboks in the Leicester Square

You open your doors and your never quite sure who is going to walk in so you can imagine the surprise when a lot of abnormally large men walked in with South African accents. They were of course THE SPRINGBOKS fresh from their victory over England at Twickenham. Great to see genuine stars (unlike the x-factor variety) who can relax and enjoy themselves as well as having quality banter with the staff. They clearly loved the food coming out (they were the biggest steaks on the menu) and great to see staff able to offer great service and enjoy themselves at the sametime. Great experience for everyone!...
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Mixologists drive sales

Mixologists drive sales

Many bar owners and managers aren't aware of it, but each year there are multiple opportunities for bartenders to show off their skills by competing for mixologist awards. If your bartender won an award for a drink that he or she created, it would create a buzz for your bar and would garner a lot of free press. Depending on the rules of the contest, you could also feature the winning libation in your bar and tout it as an award winner. Check with liquor brands to see if they are offering contests. Brands like Bacardi and Skyy have hosted cocktail contests in the past. Also many cities and counties have their own competitions. Do you have a bartender who would make a good competitor? If you do, let them know about the contests, help them find more information about entering and support them to enter. If they place or win, it could mean a lot of publicity for your bar. Customers will want to taste...
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Latest news

Latest news

NEWS As National Cask Ale Week gets underway, an industry report has revealed that cask ale continues to outperform the declining beer market. Against a backdrop of a 5% fall in on-trade beer sales last year, total cask volumes are up by over 1% amongst the smaller brewers and turnover, by an average of 16%. morningadvertiser.co.uk The managing director of Adnams, Andy Wood, is to take over from Jonathan Adnams as the chief executive of the business. M&C Report Geronimo Inn has reported like-for-like sales up 6% and total turnover, which includes the six pubs the group bought from Punch Taverns, has increased by nearly 44% to date. thepublican.com According to a report in The Independent on Sunday, pub entrepreneur, David Bruce, is set to raise up to £10m for the next stage of his latest venture. Bruce has already raised cash to purchase and develop sites for the first phase of his Country Pub & Dining brand and is targeting 10 sites within...
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