Marketing implementation – the final hurdle…
As is so often the case in the hospitality and leisure industry, a great deal of thought and effort goes into creating and developing marketing activity. The success, however, is often won or lost at the final hurdle – implementation.
Until the activity is live in a venue all the effort of the planning means nothing - you may as well have stayed in bed and watched re-runs of Countdown!
This case study highlights the importance of the last few metres of our race and how, by getting it right, you will not only see great response levels but you will improve relationships with your front-line team.
Not that we have anything against Countdown you understand but we think you deserve to see the benefits of that great idea and creative…..
What happens - over simplified but you get our point!
We have our brilliant idea
We share with others and get buy-in and green light to go….
We design it beautifully….
Its printed, picked and packed….
Delivery goes...